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OEM Journal

Occupational and Environmental Medicine is the adopted journal of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

The journal is part of the membership package of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine for the following membership categories: trainees, Associates, Members and Fellows in the UK, EU or Defence Medical Services who pay a full annual subscription.

Other subscribing members of the Faculty (those overseas, affiliating or paying the concessionary rate) may opt to receive Occupational and Environmental Medicine at an additional charge and should contact the membership department. Non-members who wish to subscribe should contact subscriptions@bmjgroup.com.

Abstracts of articles in the current issue can be accessed at the bottom of this page.  Subscribing members should use the 6 digit customer number located on the mailing label of their print journal to activate full online access at : http://journals.bmj.com/cgi/activate/basic.

In case of difficulty, please email subscriptions@bmjgroup.com.