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last updated:25/08/2022 @ 10:23 am
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Frequently asked questions

What has changed?

The obvious change trainees and trainers will notice is the format of the curriculum.  The old list of 21 overarching competences and accompanying 341 attitudes, skills and knowledge competencies has been replaced a succinct, high level curriculum, with a reduced 11 learning outcomes. Except for a handful of mandatory (‘Professional’) capabilities, there is flexibility for the trainee to develop a more personalised learning programme and demonstration of each Learning Outcome.

The Learning Outcome grid is within the main curriculum document. 

What hasn’t changed is the overarching standard required, and most of the skills, knowledge and attitudes that occupational medicine clinicians will need to develop throughout their time in training.  A lot of repetition has been removed, and wording made more concise, and new content reflecting modern service requirements have been added in, but essentially this is the same requirements, done better!

The new structure is as follows:

Curriculum domains

Eleven generic domains, closely aligned to the GMC’s Generic Professional Capabilities (GPCs), which all doctors will need to demonstrate throughout training.

Learning Outcomes

One for each domain. All trainees must achieve all Learning Outcomes to meet the minimum regulatory standards for satisfactory completion of training.

Professional Capabilities

Mandatory capabilities that must be evidenced by the trainee, in their ePortfolio, to contribute towards achievement of the Learning Outcome.


Examples are just that! Examples of evidence that the trainee may use to support their achievement of the Key Capabilities, giving the range of clinical contexts and breadth of experience. These are intended to provide a prompt to the trainee and trainer as to how the overall outcomes might be achieved. They are not intended to be exhaustive, and excellent trainees may produce a broader portfolio or include evidence that demonstrates deeper learning. It is not expected that trainees provide ePortfolio evidence against every individual example (or a set quota); the aim of assessment is to provide evidence against every Professional Capability.

What are the GMCs Generic Professional Capabilities?

See additional paper or visit the GMC website 

Why has FOM updated the curriculum?

In 2017 the GMC decided that all postgraduate medical curricula would move to an outcomes-based framework. An underlying concept was that the curriculum while being a crucial document for guiding training, could at the same time be flexible and personalised. being able to be used flexibly to meet the needs of trainees and the evolving service requirements.

When will I start using the new curriculum?

The OMST 2022 Curriculum will be formally adopted on 10 September 2022.

  • ST3 and ST4 trainees only
    Trainees who will be at ST3 or ST4 level on 10 September 2022 will automatically move to the new OMST 2022 Curriculum. Therefore, they do not need to take any action.
  • ST5 and ST6 trainees only
    Trainees who will be at ST5 or ST6 level on 10 September 2022 may opt to transfer to the OMST 2022 Curriculum if they wish to, or remain on the 2017 Curriculum. Please note that if you opt to transfer to the OMST 2022 Curriculum, your decision is final as trainees will be unable to transfer back again. If you would like to transfer to the OMST 2022 Curriculum, please confirm this by emailing training@fom.ac.uk before 5pm on 9 September 2022.  Please ensure that you also copy your email to:

If you do not confirm your wish to transfer, as outlined above, by 5pm on 9 September 2022 you will be required to remain on the 2017 Curriculum.

What will happen to my existing evidence?

The Faculty has mapped the current curriculum to the proposed new learning outcomes. Faculty staff will work with you and the ePortfolio team to support the transfer of existing evidence to the new curriculum domains.

What guidance will be given to supervisors ?

The faculty will provide additional training and guidance for supervisors and ARCP panel members to help them in making judgements against the new learning outcomes.

I am a LTFT ST5. I am uncertain as to whether I am obliged to change to the 2022 Curriculum?

If you will complete training after 10 Sep 24, then you will need to move to the 2022 Curriculum.

I do not see any reference to trainees who are in ST6+ year of training (having finished 4 years and having an extension to their training)?

For training and regulatory purposes, you will be in ST6 but yet to gain an ARCP Outcome 6. Same principle applies, no one will be assessed against the 2017 Curriculum after 10 Sep 24.

Banking of part II results. I assume that the new rules are applicable to all trainees regardless which curriculum they fall under?

Correct. From the next diet onwards.

Could you clarify which parts of the exam can be banked?

All subcomponents can be banked individually.

If we transfer, should we delay entering information into our e-portfolio?

No, continue using all the usual tools in the usual way. Migration and mapping of E-portfolio data will be undertaken in the background by the E-portfolio provider.

If we are submitting a previous dissertation as research evidence, are there any guidelines on this?

Detail is yet to be decided between NSOH and FOM as to whether previous research would be submitted to the ARCP panel or to an FOM independent verifier (who would then comment on generic research capabilities that need to be demonstrated another way). The issue is keeping ARCPs manageable in scale.

Does a previously undertaken dissertation have to have been performed within a certain time frame?

No time frame is presently stated. The aim is to demonstrate that a generic skill has been acquired.

It is stated that a dissertation can be in any subject. Does that mean both inside and outside medicine?

Clearly medical research or scientific subject matter is more likely to satisfy medical training criteria.

If we have already gained some competencies earlier in the 2017 curriculum, such as an audit performed early, can this still be counted if we transfer to the new curriculum?

Migration and mapping of E-portfolio data will be undertaken in the background by the E-portfolio provider.

I am an ST4 about to move to ST5. I am in the process of completing my MSc dissertation which I intend to submit to FOM. I want to remain on the legacy curriculum. I am due to complete training in Sep 2024. If my training is extended for whatever reason, will I be able to remain on the old curriculum?

No one will be assessed against the 2017 Curriculum after 10 September 2024.

Do each of the learning outcomes and professional capabilities have to be achieved each year or is it overall?

The requirement is overall. However, in reality it is likely that everyone will do a bit of everything, every year. Trainees will increase in confidence and work will increase in complexity with time.

Please send any questions, queries or comments regarding the new curriculum to: training@fom.ac.uk