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Working towards a CESR: Eligibility criteria

If you want to pursue this route, while you will not be required to meet the full criteria of the Occupational Medicine (OM) ST3 Person Specification, there will still be minimum requirements to be met for a successful application for a CESR.   If you wish to work in OM and pursue the Portfolio Pathway, you will have to demonstrate sufficient time after qualification, and the attainment of capabilities in suitable fields of medicine, as well as being fully registered with GMC and holding a licence to practise.

The OM ST3 Person Specification indicates that all applicants must have completed two years in the Foundation Programme and, by having undertaken Core Training, gained capabilities in any recognised specialty or General Practice. These can normally be attained after two years of Core Training.

For potential CESR applicants, the same requirement for two years’ Core Training and achievement of capabilities applies.

No postgraduate diplomas will be required at this stage.  If you have not obtained any prior to commencing OM, you will need to demonstrate the achievement of capabilities in your core area of medical practice in an equivalent way. The evidence you will need to submit can be found in the OM Specialty Specific Guidance (see links on the main Portfolio Pathway page).

FOM Support in following the Portfolio Pathway and working towards a CESR
If you intend to work towards obtaining a CESR in OM, please submit a CV or portfolio to the FOM training department with appropriate supporting documentary evidence.  This will then be considered by the FOM Portfolio Pathway Group who will advise if you can be ‘approved’ to proceed.  In cases of doubt or appeal against the Portfolio Pathway Group’s recommendation, your case can be referred to the FOM Training Committee for a decision.

Once you have approval to work towards a CESR, you should then register with (or affiliate to) FOM.