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last updated:08/02/2024 @ 3:15 pm
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Dr Robin Cordell becomes President Elect of the FOM

Dr Robin CordellThe Faculty of Occupational Medicine is delighted to announce that Dr Robin Cordell will be the next President of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

 Dr Cordell brings a wealth of experience to the role. He is in day to day practice as an occupational physician and Chair of a social enterprise delivering occupational health services and providing specialty training, with five GMC approved posts, and also supporting doctors progressing towards CESR. He has held senior medical leadership roles in Defence, been a past President of SOM, and is a director of the Council for Work and Health. He is an examiner for the DOccMed and MFOM Part 2/AFOM, and led on the recent SEQOHS Standards Review for the Faculty.

 Commenting on his appointment as President Elect, Dr Cordell said:

 “I feel privileged to be asked to represent the Faculty later this year in what continues to be a time of some challenge and significant opportunity for our specialty, and the real potential for enhancing health and work nationally.  I will seek to continue the momentum built by Steve Nimmo and his work with the other colleagues who have been engaged at a senior level in Government and the NHS, as well as work to build the occupational health workforce. In my view the Faculty is central not only to increasing capacity, but also in making a critical contribution to assurance of the quality of services required to meet this need.  I see an inclusive and collegiate approach as essential, including building on the DOccMed workforce, and the new DipOH Prac, and working with the full breadth of those engaged in health and work.”

As President Elect, Dr Cordell will work with the current President to ensure a smooth handover of presidential responsibilities when Professor Steve Nimmo demits office at the FOM AGM on 26 September 2024.

Added: 08/02/2024 Posted In: General NewsTags: , |