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last updated:13/01/2023 @ 1:43 pm
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Membership outwith approved specialty training

Regulation M1 of the Regulations for Membership  provides a route to Membership for those doctors outwith approved UK training posts or programmes who are seeking a higher qualification in occupational medicine in the UK and who have not enrolled in an overseas training post approved ad personam by the Faculty. These doctors must achieve the same standards, and meet the same requirements regarding examinations, dissertation and workplace-based assessments, as their counterparts in GMC-approved posts. This route does not confer eligibility for entry to the GMC Specialist Register and is considered to be most appropriate for doctors working outside the UK.

Those who achieve Membership through this route would, if they wished to seek entry to the GMC Specialist Register, have to apply via the CESR route.

Applicants for Membership under Regulation M1(c) are required to:

  • hold a medical qualification recognised by the Faculty;
  • have passed the Diploma in Occupational Medicine examinations or recognised equivalent;
  • have successfully submitted a research dissertation, or equivalent evidence;
  • have passed the Part 2 AFOM examination or recognised equivalent;
  • complete an application form (available from the Examinations & Training Team), providing evidence of four years’ full-time (or equivalent pro-rata) practical experience or training in occupational medicine in a post or posts acceptable to the Faculty (further details are set out in the Guidance);
  • submit a dissertation for assessment, which will be considered by assessors of the Faculty;
  • enclose the M1(c) assessment fee of £2,800.

Successful applicants will be required to pay the Membership admission fee and an annual Membership subscription, details of which can be found on the subscription rates page.