last updated:08/12/2017 @ 11:01 am

Good Occupational Medical Practice 2017

To emphasise that occupational physicians share many obligations in common with other doctors, the original words and passages of Good Medical Practice (displayed in black), and selected abstracts from supplementary guidelines of the GMC (displayed in red), are retained and presented. Where appropriate, extra commentary, written specifically by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, then follows in a distinguishing (blue) typeface.
ForewordIntroductionDomain 1: Knowledge, skills and performanceDomain 2: Safety and qualityDomain 3: Communication, partnership and teamworkDomain 4: Maintaining trustAfterword


The purpose of this publication of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine is limited to providing occupational physicians with specific supplementary guidance to GMC Good Medical Practice publications. Consequently the contents may not always represent the views of the authors or the Faculty. Before relying on the material, users should carefully make their own assessment as to its relevance for their purposes, and should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.