last updated:11/01/2022 @ 3:37 pm
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PortfolioBuilder is the FOM ePortfolio which enables trainees to record the official documentary evidence required by Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) panels to make a positive recommendation for progression in specialty training.

FOM Trainee members can register for an account at:

FOM strongly recommends that trainees use the system, as it is the best way to keep an up-to-date record of your training activity, as well as ensuring ease of review by your supervisor(s).

Guidance on use of the ePortfolio is available under section 4 of the FOM Training Handbook, and for useful tips and hints follow our dedicated ePortfolio twitter account @fomportfolio. Further guidance on gaining maximum value from feedback and reflection is referenced on the trainee resources page.

Help and support

PortfolioBuilder has a number of user support options. The platform is linked to a bespoke support centre (Knowledge Base), which contains a number of helpful articles written for trainees, supervisors and assessors. Users can email with technical enquiries or contact the help desk directly on 0800 987 1004, which is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00. If users have any suggestions for future development of the platform then, in the first instance, they should use the ‘Make a suggestion…’ feature within PortfolioBuilder. The FOM team will then be in touch to request more information should this be necessary.

Please note that FOM cannot help with any technical queries; however, we are still very happy to answer questions related directly to specialty training via

Information governance

The FOM general data protection statement can be found in our terms and conditions.

Further specific guidance for trainees and trainers on the legal aspects of use of ePortfolios is provided for all Royal Colleges and Faculties by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.